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This coming-of-age story, set against the backdrop of the mid-1990s Midwest, follows Cassandra, a high schooler whose big dreams clash with her family’s conservative expectations, as she comes into her own while navigating the complexities...
Luke’s dreams with Laura shattered when she vanished. The law says she ran off, but Luke knows better. Determined to help her, he hunts Reese Withers, a cruel outlaw tied to a deadly plot. Can...
Sydney Corbet, a therapist employed by the mega-publishing juggernaut, Shusterfield House, has been dispatched to the tiny town of Cascadia, Washington, to soothe the ruffled feathers of a reclusive literary genius. When Dallas Haywood learns...
He hasn’t forgotten her, and she sure hasn’t forgiven him. BEST NOVELLA - 2017 RONE Awards! BEST SHIFTER BOOK 2016 by Reality Bites Magazine! Jessica Macks is a she-wolf on the run from a band...
Don't be fooled by this charming and attractive rogue billionaire. He's not to be trusted. Jaxson Jacobs, my business partner's brother, is our last hope to save our crumbling fashion design studio. He’s willing to...
After being caught up in a raid on a molly house, Thomas Brook escapes on his way to the pillory. Collapsing from exhaustion on the moors of Yorkshire, he's rescued by the handsome Lord Elmsby...
She's tied up, tied down, and oh, so good at being bad… Bronx Kaiser Once upon a time, I thought I'd find what I sought within The Sterling Rope. I was wrong. Now, the only...
“You don’t…” He looked embarrassed to be asking. “You don’t…believe in love?” When bad weather derails Jules Orton’s Christmas travel plans, her brother’s friend steps in. Will is happy to drive Jules the eight hundred...
“Richly sensual.” —Nationally Bestselling Author Stella Cameron A deception of royal proportions thrusts Ian MacEwen into the very center of the ton's marriage mart, forcing him to choose a bride who would be queen. All...
An unconventional love tested to its limits. Mateo is used to being in the spotlight. He craves it in everything he does … except when it comes to his love life – that is firmly in...
Nothing’s sexier than men with power tools. Sultry summer heat has nothing on the five-man crew renovating the house next door. No one could blame Kate for leaning out the window for a better view...
She can't stand him. He blames her for his company's woes. Now, they have to work together. Nia has devoted her career to fighting for life-saving medicines for Ugandans with HIV. But when first-line treatments...
I’m not the average billionaire. Heck, I’m not even human. I’m a bear shifter, the last living member of my clan…and I don’t plan to find a mate. At least, I didn’t, until I met...
When a college student desperate to leave fear and pain behind becomes the protégée of a boxer haunted by his past and ruled by violence… sparks fly, and danger lurks. After discovering the dark truth...
JOB SEARCH - Hideaway Springs, CO 1 result. Single dad rancher seeking live-in nanny for 9-year-old boy. Must have experience, playful and not looking for a real-life love story. (6 wks only - don't apply...
How to Find Free Online Romance Novels
Whether you're a sucker for a love story or you're just looking for something to pass the time, there's nothing like a good romance novel. And luckily, there are plenty of free online romance novels available for your reading pleasure.
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The first place to look for free online romance novels is Project Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg is a digital library of public domain books. This means that the copyright has expired on these books and they are now available for anyone to read. There are over 54,000 free eBooks available on Project Gutenberg, including a large selection of romance novels.
If you're looking for something a little more modern, CraveBooks offers over 50,000 free eBooks, including a wide selection of romance novels. CraveBooks is also a great resource if you're looking for books in languages other than English since they offer their titles in over 25 different languages.
Another great option for finding free online romance novels is Open Library. Open Library is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a non-profit organization that is working to create "one web page for every book ever published." As of right now, they have over 2 million eBooks available, including a number of classic and contemporary romance novels.
Whether you're in the mood for a classic love story or something more modern, there are plenty of free online resources for finding romance novels. Project Gutenberg, CraveBooks, and Open Library are all great places to start your search. So curl up with your laptop and get ready to fall in love.