Beauty Has Her Way
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Beauty Has Her Way by Nicola Italia


Georgiana Gainsford is the pampered daughter of Jonathan Gainsford, a director of the famed East India Company and a member of Parliament. Jonathan is embarrassed by his daughter, who he describes as flirtatious and frivolous and whose only recommendation is her beauty.
A chance encounter at Haymarket Theater in London puts Georgiana in the path of the handsome and arrogant Alexander Mayson, a past privateer on the seven seas and the owner of a lucrative shipping line. Alexander is quite taken by the emerald-eyed beauty, but she is disgusted by his outrageous behavior.
When Alexander and Georgiana are caught together in a heated embrace, Jonathan ships Georgiana off to the colonies even as Alexander realizes he is enthralled by her. He follows her to Massachusetts with only one thought in mind: to make Georgiana his wife.
Meanwhile, in the colonies, a dour Puritan named Elias Hackett has fallen under Georgiana’s spell. An older man thought to be a confirmed bachelor, Elias has decided Georgiana will be his wife no matter what.
Alexander must save Georgiana from the obsessive Hackett while also convincing her that he is completely and truly in love with her.

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Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

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