Charmed by Magic (The Secret Academy Book 1)
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You know that dream where you look down and find you’re naked in a very public place?
It actually happened to me on my last day of high school.
One second, clothes. The next

The moment that my gift of invisibility showed itself, everything changed. Whether it was for the better, I can’t say.
First, the men in black whisked me away to the Secret Academy, a special college for magic folk hidden in plain sight amidst the plains of rural Georgia. Then, I got to meet my new classmates. They, of course, had all been brought up in the magical world.

I never knew it existed.

In fact, my only true ally might be the captive white tiger who has decided to make me her pet.
As it turns out the Secret Academy isn't just hiding itself from humans. It’s hiding even more sinister mysteries within these crumbling ancient walls. And the more I discover, the more I’m starting to realize that I might be at the heart of these deadly secrets…

But who can I trust when I don’t know if I can trust myself?

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Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

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