Puck Like A Girl: A Why Choose Hockey Romance (Playing the Puck Book 1)
Teagan Fed up with living in the shadows of my famous hockey-playing father and brothers, I decide to take matters into my own hands. With a little help from a family friend, I anonymously try out for my new college men’s hockey team, hoping to win one of the two open spots on the team and finally proving that I’m just as good as my father and brothers. There’s only one thing standing in my way. Actually make that three things standing in my way. Coulter Collins, Fin Baxter, and Royal Reynolds, the three senior captains of the men’s hockey team. Their job as team captains is to select the two new team members. I need to make sure I’m focusing on tryouts and not the three sexy men watching my every move on and off the ice. Armed with my lucky hockey stick and full-length, mirrored visor, I take the ice to prove I’m just as good as any male hockey player because I have a secret weapon: I Puck Like a Girl.
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Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest