The Damaged Army Soldier The Mexican Cartel The Nanny
Mateo, that crazy Mexican cartel boss, killed my Grandfather for owing him $339k. He promised to kill my father, mother, son, and then me, in that order, for every due date missed. We missed the first due date and paid the price. He killed my Dad, just like he said he would. Now, we have a new date, and Mom is next. To save her, my friend Brian came up with an ingenious plan. Hide my mom in the panic room; buy a body at the morgue under the table. Bury the stranger, and claim mother’s life insurance. It worked beautifully; we paid off Mateo, but now Mom is a prisoner in the basement. She can’t re-enter the world. She’s supposed to be dead. My life’s a nightmare I can’t seem to wake up from. The only ray of sunshine is Cynthia, my super nanny; my clandestine lover. Yes . . . we crossed that line and went there. Oh boy. I make her head spin like a celestial ballet, and she makes my world turn on its axis. We were headed somewhere magical when the accident happened, necessitating that I tell her about Mom and the panic room. She left me and went back to Mexico. I want her back . . . I need her back. I’m going to Mexico, and I’m not coming back without her.
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Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest