Witches of Night Meadow – Books 1-3
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Come to Night Meadow Island, where love is flowing, sisters rule and magic is real.

This is a box set of the first three Witches of Night Meadow books.

Witch Forgotten -

When Corinne Knight wakes up with amnesia, she doesn’t know how to use the magic her family claims she has. Considering she and her twin run a magical baked goods business, the fact that she can’t remember how to spell the recipes is bothersome. But that’s not her biggest frustration; her attraction to Noah Wilson is. Because even though he seems open to a relationship, Corinne senses something in their past has kept them apart, and she’s afraid it’s so big she’ll regret letting him into her heart again.

Noah Wilson isn’t sure what the Knight women are thinking when they push Corinne at him knowing she can’t remember their tumultuous relationship that crashed and burned. He knows going along with their plan to minimize the problems he and Corinne had is like making a deal with the devil, but he can’t help hoping that it’s a chance for the woman he’s always loved to realize her true feelings too… Before her memory comes back to ruin it all. 

Witch Remembered -
Amelia Knight knows when James Foster returns to Night Meadow Island for his brother’s wedding she should guard her heart carefully. Even after he swears he’s back for good. When he looks at her with his mischievous grin and pours on the charm, she can’t help but be tempted to hope it’s true. But they’ve been down this road a few times already, and it always ends with her left picking up the pieces of her shattered heart. This time she’s ready to stand her ground.

James Foster has returned to the island where he grew up to finally claim his witch. For the past decade, he’s focused on his career, thinking he’d be fine without the girl he left behind. But after he achieved his goal of a successful law career in New York City, James learned he hadn’t realized his dream after all. A life with Amelia Knight is what he really wants, but now that he’s back to start their life together, she’s refusing to see the truth. He’s going to have to prove to her what his heart has always known.

Witch Smitten -
Kay Knight thinks she’s falling in love with Tucker Eagan all over again. Her childhood crush has returned to Night Meadow Island and is working with the mainland police force, and he’s enlisted Kay to use her magical gifts to help rid the town of the spirits creating havoc. When word gets about Kay’s success, Damon Hawke, a famous wizard, is intrigued by more than just her magical abilities. Kay has been in his dreams since the summer they spent two weeks together at camp as kids. A rift between their families made a future together seem impossible, but Damon no longer wants that to stand in his way. He’s determined to make the beautiful witch his and employs a little magic of his own.
Book Length:
In general words, the paranormal literary fiction genre comprises beings and happenings beyond the world of normal scientific comprehension of the natural world. Novels in the fiction genre are all put in the actual world. However, they comprise experiences that defy scientific explanation. For instance, stories put on earth contain angels, demons, witches, psychics, witches, etc. If you love to read some books with ghosts and angels, you must add this category to your reading list. Many books available in the market come under the Paranormal Genre, and you can buy them online or offline.

Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

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