Sword and Mirror by Kate Grove
A modern-day witch. A 16th-century warlord. And the journey through time that intertwines their fates.
A victim of mistaken identity, Ciara finds herself dragged back in time and thrown into the clutches of a maniacal samurai. Risking her life, Ciara manages to escape with a little girl the samurai kidnapped to provoke his rival.
While doing so earns her the gratitude of Katsuo, the enemy warlord, an alliance with him comes at a price.
Ciara must pretend to be in a relationship with him. Feigning betrothal to a seasoned warlord seems the best way to ensure her safety as she looks for a way home. But the handsome stranger has a dark secret that could land them both in danger.
As genuine affection begins to develop between the pair, Katsuo is riddled with doubts. Will his feelings for Ciara interfere with his promise to help her get home? Or will his family’s hidden truth out her life in peril?
Book Length: 320-650 Pages
Famous Book Quotes
“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest