Saviour Boy (The All American Boy Series)
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Returning home after my military career came to an end, my best friend Chris needed my help. His little sister, Becca, was in trouble, and I was the only one he could trust. But maybe he shouldn’t have because he doesn’t know the truth. During my last deployment, Becca had secretly written me letters that made me believe we shared something. Something powerful. We had a connection. But maybe not strong enough because when I returned to Merlot, she was seeing someone else and I was thankful I didn’t need to violate the bro code. Chris asked me to protect her in his absence. To handle the guy that was stalking her. The same guy she’d been dating. I did what I had to do to keep her safe and didn’t mean to fall in love in the process. Screw the bro code. If everything worked out, she’d be with me when all was said and done, and she would never be scared again.

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Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

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