My Highland Warrior (Warriors of the Highlands Book 1)
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A brand-new delicious Highland historical romance from a beloved storyteller.

"Miriam Minger is a 50-carat jewel!" —Affaire de Coeur

Fearsome Scots laird Gabriel MacLachlan must take a bride, but not just any bride. Magdalene, his liege lord’s younger sister is known to be as bonny as any Highland lass but as mad as a loon. Mad Maggie, they call her—and Gabriel has no choice. Not if he wants to put food in his clansmen’s bellies, clothes on their backs, and repair the crumbling castle he calls home. A fat dowry in exchange for a madwoman, whose life will be in danger from the MacLachlan family curse the instant she becomes his wife.

A generations-old curse, an honorable chieftain, a clever beauty—it’s the perfect recipe for a spirited Highland Romance.

★★★★★ Laugh out loud moments, heartfelt sighs and a delightful adventure awaits you as Gabriel and Magdalene find their way to a happy ever after. Be sure not to miss it! Cannot wait for more! — Lori Dykes

★★★★★ I’m absolutely “Mad” for this story! I loved it! More please! — LCReads

★★★★★ Grab it but plan for enough reading time because you won't want to stop until you finish (and then you might want to re-read it). — MyOhMy

★★★★★ I was captivated from the very first page. — Sahar's Beaded Creations

★★★★★ I enjoyed the book from the moment I picked it up to the very end. It didn’t start out slow, but instead pulled you right into the story and built upon little snippets as you went along. I can’t wait to dive into the next one. — HL

★★★★★ A definitely page turning romantic adventure that readers will absolutely love. The hero was definitely swoon worthy in every way that counted especially in honor, protection and love. — Tartan Book Reviews

Book Length:
Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the narrative takes place in the past. Historical books capture the particulars of the time as correctly as possible to get authenticities, such as societal norms, ways, habits, and traditions. Historical fiction is put in a real location during a culturally recognizable moment. The facts and the actions from the narrative can be a mixture of real occasions and ones in the writer's creativity as they fill in the gaps. Characters may be pure fiction or based on actual people. But what about them and their look and attitudes, how they talk, and issues that they face, everything which should match the era.

Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

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