His Human Nanny (Monsters Love Curvy Girls Book 1)
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My indentured servitude is almost over and freedom is a heartbeat away!

Until some alien guy buys me because he needs a nanny, quick. What? I’m not even good with kids. I’ve never changed a diaper in my life. But the beings at the employment agency won’t listen. “Hew-mans are hot right now. Everyone wants a hew-man nanny.” Great. And since there isn’t another human available…I’m hired on the spot.

Yay, me.

And on day one of my new job I’m having a panic attack because I finally meet my new boss and he looks like Satan himself. No lie. Black horns, red skin and glinting silver-tipped claws. He even has a barbed tail, a forked tongue, and he breathes fire. This guy is terrifying, and his children look exactly like him.

*heart palpitations* *hyperventilating*

And yet, as I’m caring for these strangely adorable infants and gazing longingly at my crazy-rich boss as he cradles his twin babies in his huge, muscular arms…my traitorous heart goes pitter-patter and my body heats up like lava.

Oh no.

And I begin to wonder—have I sold my soul to the devil?

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Those books that give you pleasure and laugh, we could declare them Comedy or Funny Books. Humor is a funny thing that can allow you to improve your work-life balance. Pinpointing exactly what an individual will discover funny is not a specific science. There are many different varieties of comedy, but what makes it funny is a matter of opinion. Comedy books differ from person to person since some people find them humorous while others don't. There are thousands of comedy books available in the offline or online market. Comedy books will keep you away from all-day tensions or problems that you have in your life.

Famous Book Quotes

“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

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